41 research outputs found

    Shapes of magnetic monopoles in effective SU(2)SU(2) models

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    We present a systematic exploration of a general family of effective SU(2)SU(2) models with an adjoint scalar. First, we discuss a redundancy in this class of models and use it to identify seemingly different, yet physically equivalent models. Next, we construct the Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) limit and derive analytic monopole solutions. In contrast to the 't Hooft-Polyakov monopole, included here as a special case, these solutions tend to exhibit more complex energy density profiles. Typically, we obtain monopoles with a hollow cavity at their core where virtually no energy is concentrated; instead, most of the monopole's energy is stored in a spherical shell around its core. Moreover, the shell itself can be structured, with several "sub-shells". A recipe for the construction of these analytic solutions is presented.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Ensuring the visibility and traceability of items through logistics chain of automotive industry based on AutoEPCNet Usage

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    Traceability in logistics is the capability of the participants to trace the products throughout the supply chain by means of either the product and/or container identifiers in a forward and/or backward direction. In today's competitive economic environment, traceability is a key concept related to all products and all types of supply chains. The goal of this paper is to describe development of application that enables to create and share information about the physical movement and status of products as they travel throughout the supply chain. The main purpose of this paper is to describe the development of RFID based track and trace system for ensuring the visibility and traceability of items in logistics chain especially in automotive industry. The proposed solution is based on EPCglobal Network Architecture

    Predicting breast cancer from risk factors using SVM and extra-trees-based feature selection method

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    Developing a prediction model from risk factors can provide an efficient method to recognize breast cancer. Machine learning (ML) algorithms have been applied to increase the efficiency of diagnosis at the early stage. This paper studies a support vector machine (SVM) combined with an extremely randomized trees classifier (extra-trees) to provide a diagnosis of breast cancer at the early stage based on risk factors. The extra-trees classifier was used to remove irrelevant features, while SVM was utilized to diagnose the breast cancer status. A breast cancer dataset consisting of 116 subjects was utilized by machine learning models to predict breast cancer, while the stratified 10-fold cross-validation was employed for the model evaluation. Our proposed combined SVM and extra-trees model reached the highest accuracy up to 80.23%, which was significantly better than the other ML model. The experimental results demonstrated that by applying extra-trees-based feature selection, the average ML prediction accuracy was improved by up to 7.29% as contrasted to ML without the feature selection method. Our proposed model is expected to increase the efficiency of breast cancer diagnosis based on risk factors. In addition, we presented the proposed prediction model that could be employed for web-based breast cancer prediction. The proposed model is expected to improve diagnostic decision-support systems by predicting breast cancer disease accurately.Web of Science119art. no. 13

    An acidification of fresh waters is not over

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    Acidification of freshwaters is a problem of many areas over the northern hemisphere from the half of the 20th century. It has been caused by industrial factories discharging emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides, from which originate acids by the photochemical reactions in the atmosphere. Acidic atmospheric deposition has caused disappearance of fish and the most aquatic organisms in streams and lakes. Acidic atmospheric deposition has also washed up not only the buffering basic cations (Ca2+ , Mg2+ , Na+ , K+ ), but also toxic aluminium (Al3+ ) ions from soils into the freshwaters. The maximum levels of emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides were observed in 1980s and since that time the emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides significantly dropped down. However, the recovery from acidification is not as fast as it could be expected. It is impeding by several processes. One of them is hysteresis or saturation of soils by sulfur and nitrogen, which are slowly washing up into the freshwaters in forms of sulfates and nitrates now. Another process is the oligotrophication of lakes, when the important nutrient - phosphorus - is precipitating by aluminium. There is the lack of food for organisms after that. Another processes slowing down the recovery from acidification could be bad forest management..

    The development and history of steam locomotives in the country

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    Práce se zabývá vývojem a historijí parních lokomotiv, principy fyziky např. carnotova cyklu ideální parní stroj atd. Dále je práce zaměřená na vývoj a stroje využívané na našem území.Katedra matematiky, fyziky a technické výchovyObhájenoThis work deals with steam locomotives, priciples of physics, carnotov cyklus. Ordering locomotives

    Expressing Praise and Compliments in Contemporary Russian

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    The bachelor thesis is divided into the theoretical and practical part. The theoretical one contains the characteristics of the terms praise and compliment and is dealing with some other questions that are related to usage of them. The practical part is based on the results of questionnaire that is relating to giving prise and compliment by linguistic way in several different situations. The questionnaire was filled through the internet portal mostly by students of high schools and universities of the Russian federation

    Utilization of RFID Technology for Identification of the Object Location within a Defined Area.

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    Import 15/01/2013Disertační práce se zabývá možnostmi technologie radiofrekvenční identifikace pro identifikaci polohy objektů ve vymezeném prostoru. Prvotní impuls pro zahájení výzkumu v této oblasti přišel ze soukromého sektoru ze strany obchodního řetězce. Právě díky tomu je práce zaměřena primárně na sledování pohybu zákazníků po nákupní ploše prodejny. Úvodní kapitoly práce se zabývají RFID technologií v obecné rovině a jejím užitím v prostředí obchodních řetězců. Následující kapitoly popisují aplikaci teoretických RFID poznatků do praxe, návrh a přípravu technického konceptu řešení umožňující sledování objektů ve vymezeném prostoru. Od laboratorních testů disertační práce volně přechází k experimentům v reálném prostředí obchodního řetězce, jejich praktickému ověření, analýze a vyhodnocení. Experimenty v závěru práce potvrzují proveditelnost a transfer získaných poznatků do prostředí surovinového průmyslu společnosti zabývající se těžbou uhlí.The dissertation discusses the possibilities of radio frequency identification technology for identification of movement of objects in defined space. The initial impetus for starting research in this area came from the business chain in private sector. Because of this the dissertation is focused primarily on tracking movement of customers within shopping area. The first chapters deal with RFID technology in general and its use in the business chains environment. The following chapters describe the application of theoretical RFID knowledge into practice, draft and preparation of technical solutions enabling tracking of objects in defined space. The dissertation then moves on from laboratory tests to experiments in real environment of a business chain, their practical verification, analysis and evaluation. The experiments at the end of the dissertation confirm feasibility and transfer of acquired knowledge into the environment of raw materials industry company engaged in coal mining.Prezenční545 - Institut ekonomiky a systémů řízenívyhově